Christ the Redeemer Parish App

Christ the Redeemer Parish is proud to present our updated parish App. We believe it will serve to deepen your faith and at the same time have all the parish information at your fingertips.
Here is why you will want to have the CTR Parish App.
- It provides you with easy to obtain and up-to-the-minute parish information.
- The PDF version of the bulletin is published before the paper version of it is available.
- A palette of much-loved prayers and devotions.
- Daily biblical readings to follow and pray over.
- Newsfeeds from trustworthy Catholic sources.
- Easy access to on-line giving.
- The ability to receive any notifications from the parish office or any chosen (by you) group or ministry. All you have to do is launch the parish App, and then in the upper left corner, touch the menu button and then touch notifications. You will see all the groups that you can subscribe to and will receive all the notices on your phone sent from the group or groups you have chosen. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- Our parish calendar with detailed information about Masses and any scheduled activities.
To download the CTR Parish Mobile App:
• iPhone users: Text ParishApp1 to 555888 OR search for “Christ the Redeemer Parish” in the iPhone App Store.
• Android users: Text ParishApp2 to 555888 OR search for “Christ the Redeemer Parish” in the Google Play Store.
Journey with Deacon Tom

Journey with me every Monday through the 5 weeks of Lent on Zoom. Our journey has two purposes: First, connect your personal life with our faith to bring you to the glory of Easter. Second, enrich your journey by learning how other parishioners are traveling this journey.
Our journey begins at 7 PM Monday, February 22nd and March 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd
Please send us an email and cell number to: and we will send you access code to the Zoom meeting.
Mega Raffle
Mega Raffle - WINNERS

Christ the Redeemer Parish in Manville (Sacred Heart Church and Christ The King Church) hosted their yearly Mega Raffle. We sold a total of 1540 tickets. The drawing took place on October 11th at 3:00 p.m.
Christ The Redeemer Mega Raffle 2020 WINNERS!
1st -- $3,850.00 -- Richard Onderko
2nd -- $2,887.50 -- Dorothy Gluch
3rd -- $1,925.00 -- Marcia Casas
22 Runner Up Prize Winners - $481.25
Kulinski Memorials, Nicholas Trilone, Agnes Middlecamp, Marianne Gola, Martin Geiger, Ronald & Monica Wozniak, Kim Petzinger, Lorenzo Bonanni, Ed Ogin, Isabel Piotrowski, Chris & Ralph Trksak, Jarek & Kasia Balicki, Robert Pietryk, Dorothy Battista, Lee Ravaioli, Eugene Jardine, Vince & Rachel Petrone, Darren Hinmon, Louise Romano, Kulinski Memorials, Andrej Wawrzyszko, Thomas Carroll.
Lenten Retreat with Rev. Richard Bennet, C.Ss.R.

Our Lenten Retreat in English has been canceled.
blog post O. Witold Radowski
Rekolekcje Wielkopostne wyglosi O. Edward Petelczyc C.Ss.R.

O. Edward Petelczyc CSsR, ktory w tym roku będzie głosił rekolekcje wielkopostne w naszej parafii jest kapłanem od 2012 r. Po święceniach kapłańskich pracował w Szczecinku a nastepnie w Lublinie gdzie przygotowywał się do pracy misyjno - rekolekcyjnej by powrócić na Białoruś do swojej rodzinnej parafii Najświętszego Odkupiciela w Grodnie, w której pracuje po dzień dzisiejszy jako wikariusz i katecheta.
Tematem rekolekcji wielkopstnych jest "Jezus - Droga, Prawda, Życie".
Jeśli chciałbyś doświadczyć obecności Chrystusa bo szukasz drogi swego życia i prawdy o sobie przyjdź do kościoła Sacred Heart w Manville w dniach od 29 marca do 1 kwietnia i weź udział w rekolekcjach wielkopostnych. Zobaczysz jak dziś Jezus działa we wspólnocie kościoła i w sakramentach, abyś Ty mógł żyć pełnią życia w zgodzie ze swoim sumieniem. Przeprowadź ze sobą tych, którzy stronią od Bożej miłości, aby również im zajaśniał Chrystus!
blog post gacek
Fr. Marcin Piotr Gacek, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Marcin Piotr Gacek, C.Ss.R. - Associate Pastor and Superior of the Redemptorist Community
Born: Poland
Ordained: 05/20/2006
Szczecinek - Poland
Szczecin - Poland
Kraków - Poland
Zamość - Poland
Bardo - Poland
Skarżysko - Kamienna - Poland
Speaks: Polish
Father Marcin Gacek comes from Kielce, a beautiful picturesque area of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Growing up, he wanted to become a famous footballer, at which he, fortunately for us, failed. He tried his hand playing table tennis, he did not win the cup. He even trained in judo. As a result, he wasn't afraid to go home in the evening. Later on, music became the most important thing for him, especially club music, but a DJ career was not for him. For a while he studied history but did not work in an archaeological site. He became closer Jesus as a Redemptorist. He worked as a pastor, missionary preaching parish missions and retreats, as well as an educator. He likes hiking, good music, books and movies.
Ojciec Marcin Gacek pochodzący z pięknej malowniczej okolicy Gór Świętokrzyskich, a dokładnie z Kielc. Dorastając chciał zostać sławnym piłkarzem, co się na szczęście nie udało. Próbował swoich sił grając w tenisa stołowego, pucharu nie wygrał. Nawet trenował judo. Skończyło się tylko na tym, że nie bał się wracać wieczorem do domu. Późnej najważniejsza była dla niego muzyka, przede wszystkim klubowa, DJ-em nie został. Studiował historię, nie pracował na stanowisku archeologicznym. Poznał bliżej Jezusa został redemptorystą. Pracował jako duszpasterz, misjonarz - rekolekcjonista, a także wychowawca. Lubi górskie wycieczki, dobrą muzykę, książkę i film.
Polish Supplementary School *2nd Annual Tricky Tray*

We look forward to seeing you on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th for a fun-filled evening!
Saturday, March 28 --
Doors open at 5 p.m.
The first ticket will
be pulled at 7:00 p.m
Purchase ADMISSION To The Event – A regular $20 admission gets you in the door, one sheet of tier one tickets (valued at $10) and Coffee/Tea/ Dessert! You can either buy a single entry OR reserve a Table (seats 10).
Purchase via eventbrite
Or purchase via mailing in check. See order forms located here
Please note: The event is TABLE SEATING. All participants will be assigned to a specific table. Should you wish to reserve a table, you must have a pre-paid group of 10. Parties with under 10 guests will be seated with other attendees.
Space is limited to 200 attendees - do not delay! To ensure you and your friends will all sit together, we suggest purchasing a table and inviting your friends to sit with you. Tables can ONLY be purchased for $200 by mail using a special form click here.
Please make checks payable to: Polish Supplementary School - Polish Falcons Nest 946 Corp
Mail check with completed form to:
PSS Attention: Tricky Tray
PO BOX 111
Raritan NJ 08869.
- Purchase your tricky tray tickets ahead of time! Your $20.00 admission ticket includes (1) Tier 1 flat sheet of 25 tickets (Valued at $10). Increase your odds of winning and add additional pre-sale package tickets by completing this special form.
- Event Details - We will be serving hot coffee, tea and freshly baked desserts. Water and soda will be available for purchase. Be sure to get here early to check out the baskets and put your tickets in AND please bring extra CASH ($$) for the any additional ticket purchases and 50/50!
Ticket pricing and information - Raffle Tickets can be purchased ahead of time or at the event. Save time and be sure to order your pre-sale ticket packages ahead of the event! We will be taking CASH ONLY ($$) the night of the event. We will accept checks until March 14, 2020 for pre-sale ticket orders and pre-sale raffle ticket packages. Checks and completed order forms can be mailed to (PSS Attention: Tricky Tray PO BOX 111 RARITAN NJ 08869). We will impose a $25.00 returned check fee on all returned check.
Tier 1 (Flat sheet of 25) = $10.00
Tier 2 (Flat sheet of 25) = $15.00
Tier 3 Grand Prizes (rolled tickets of 1) = $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets
Tier 4 Super Grand Prize (rolled tickets of 1) = $10 each or $25 for 3 tickets
50/50=$1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets
Package (A) = $50.00 if pre-ordered by 3/14/20
Includes: 1 Admission Ticket w/ one Tier 1 flat sheet ($20 Value), 1 Tier 1 sheet of 25 ($10 Value), 1 Tier 2 flat sheet of 25 ($15 Value), 1 Grand prize ticket ($5 Value) and 1 Super Grand Prize ticket ($10 Value) ; Total Value $60.00; Cost: $50.00, a savings of $10.00!
Package (B) = $75.00 if pre-ordered by 3/14/20
Includes: 1 Admission Ticket w/ one Tier 1 flat sheet ($20 Value), 2 Tier 2 sheet of 25 ($30 Value), 5 Grand Prize tickets ($20 Value) and 3 Super Grand Prize tickets ($25 Value) ; Total Value $95, a savings of $20.00!
Questions: Call (908) 240-1656 Agnes, (973) 452-0925 Michelle or email us at
Zapraszamy na Pielgrzymkę do Italii w 100-Rocznicę Urodzin Św. Jana Pawła II

Lipiec 2020
Mediolan - Wenecja – Asyż – Cascia – Rzym – Monte Cassino – San Giovanni Rotondo – Monte Sant’Angelo – Lanciano – Loreto – Padwa – Mediolan
- Dzień 1 Przylot do Mediolanu – zwiedzanie miasta słynnego na cały świat centrum mody; galeria V.Emmanuele, teatr la Scala, katedra mediolańska pw. Narodzenia NMP (z XV w.); obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 2 Śniadanie, przejazd do Wenecji, płynięcie tramwajem wodnym na Plac św. Marka, zwiedzanie Placu i Bazyliki, oraz sławnego „Canale Grande” i Pałacu Dożów weneckich, Msza Św. Przejazd w okolice Asyżu, obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 3: Po śniadaniu, wyjazd na zwiedzanie średniowiecznego miasta św. Franciszka–Asyżu. W programie nawiedzenie bazyliki z grobem Świętego, bazyliki św. Klary, kościoła św. Damiana oraz Chiesa Nuova, gdzie znajduje się dom św. Franciszka i Oratorium, gdzie według tradycji się urodził. Następnie przejazd do Santa Maria degli Angeli, która jest relikwiarzem małego kościółka Porcjunkuli, w pobliżu którego św. Franciszek zmarł. Wyjazd do Casci, nawiedzenie sanktuarium św. Rity. Msza św. Wyjazd do hotelu w okolicach Rzymu, obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 4: Śniadanie, wyjazd do Watykanu – uczestnictwo pielgrzymów we Mszy Świętej przy grobie św. Jana Pawła II– zwiedzanie Bazyliki i placu Św. Piotra – przejazd do Bazyliki św. Jana na Lateranie, Święte schody; nawiedzenie Bazyliki MB Większej, przejazd pod Koloseum, spacer po Fori Imperiali – Plac Wenecki – Circo Massimo – przejazd do Bazyliki św. Pawła za Murami – powrót do hotelu, obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 5 Śniadanie, przejazd do Rzymu – Audiencja generalna u Ojca Świętego Franciszka; – czas wolny na zakup pamiątek i dewocjonaliów, po południu spacer na Piazza Navona z Fontanną Czterech Rzek, Fontanna di Trevi, Panteon, Schody Hiszpańskie; powrót do hotelu, Msza św., obiadokolacja.
- Dzień 6 Po śniadaniu wyjazd na Monte Cassino, nawiedzenie Cmentarza Żołnierzy Polskich, Msza święta oraz zwiedzanie opactwa oo. Benedyktynów, Przejazd do Gargano (Monte Sant’Angelo), Msza św. w grocie, gdzie miały miejsce objawienia św. Michała Archanioła, czas wolny, obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 7Śniadanie, wyjazd do San Giovanni Rotondo, nawiedzenie miejsc związanych z pobytem i działalnością św. Ojca Pio; Msza św., czas wolny – wyjazd do Loreto, nawiedzenie Bazyliki i Domku św. Rodziny, zbudowanego z kamieni pochodzących z Nazaretu; przejazd na nocleg do Rimini, obiadokolacja.
- Dzień 8 Śniadanie – przejazd do Padwy – Msza św. i zwiedzanie Bazyliki św. Antoniego – przejazd na nocleg do Mediolanu, obiadokolacja, nocleg.
- Dzień 9 Śniadanie – lot powrotny.
Dokladne informacje - Ks. Marian (732) 447 7131
parish app post
Christ the Redeemer Parish App

Christ the Redeemer Parish is proud to present our updated parish App. We believe it will serve to deepen your faith and at the same time have all the parish information at your fingertips.
Here is why you will want to have the CTR Parish App.
- It provides you with easy to obtain and up-to-the-minute parish information.
- The PDF version of the bulletin is published before the paper version of it is available.
- A palette of much-loved prayers and devotions.
- Daily biblical readings to follow and pray over.
- Newsfeeds from trustworthy Catholic sources.
- Easy access to on-line giving.
- The ability to receive any notifications from the parish office or any chosen (by you) group or ministry. All you have to do is launch the parish App, and then in the upper left corner, touch the menu button and then touch notifications. You will see all the groups that you can subscribe to and will receive all the notices on your phone sent from the group or groups you have chosen. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- Our parish calendar with detailed information about Masses and any scheduled activities.
To download the CTR Parish Mobile App:
• iPhone users: Text ParishApp1 to 555888 OR search for “Christ the Redeemer Parish” in the iPhone App Store.
• Android users: Text ParishApp2 to 555888 OR search for “Christ the Redeemer Parish” in the Google Play Store.
>Advent Retreat
Parish Advent Retreat in English & Polish

November 30 - December 4
“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.” (Pope Francis)
Fr Mark Owen CSsR was ordained in his native St Kitts, West Indies, in 1985. He has worked in several parishes in Dominica and Trinidad. He was spiritual director for many years for the Cursillo Movement, the Engaged Encounter Movement and the COR retreat movement for youth. Fr Mark has also given numerous other retreats and missions, both in parishes and retreat houses. Fr Mark has a Licentiate (STL) in Moral Theology from the Redemptorist Institute in Madrid. He is now stationed at the Redemptorist parish in Baltimore, where he does ministry in English and Spanish, and is the music director. Fr Mark is very much looking forward to celebrating the first week of Advent with the parishioners of Manville! Let us rediscover the beauty of being together along the way and to renew always the common horizon toward which we are journeying. The horizon of hope! This is the horizon that makes a good journey.
Summary of the English Advent Retreat 2019 “Prepare the Way of the Lord”
This year’s Advent Retreat was officiated by Father Mark Owen, C.Ss.R. from the Baltimore Province. His theme was “Prepare the Way of the Lord.” In accordance with that theme, Father Owen focused on three people of the Bible: Isaiah, John the Baptist, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
On the first night of the retreat, Father Owen’s discussion centered on Isaiah, a Prophet in the Old Testament. Isaiah was the cousin of kings. He was married and had many children and lived a long life through five kings. He described Isaiah’s legacy as through the written word. He foretold the coming of Jesus.
In contrast, on the second night, Father Owen showed the sharp difference between Isaiah and John the Baptist. This saint came from an ordinary home and lived most of his life in the desert existing on locust and honey. His dress was simple. He remained single, was arrested, sent to prison, and ordered beheaded by King Herod, ending his short life.
John the Baptist’s prophetic words focused on repentance and preparation for the coming of the Kingdom. He encouraged people to share their wealth, stand for justice and what is right. He spoke of the coming of Jesus and condemned the king for his cruelty. John preached a kingdom of love, treating others fairly, and was willing to put the message about Jesus above his own safety.
Father Owen’s message to those in attendance was to become more like John the Baptist by being less self-centered, choosing a simple life-style, and wash away selfishness and sin. In this way, we can save the environment and our planet.
On the third night, Father Owen stressed our devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. He indicated we can learn from her to be courageous, say “yes” to God, live in solidarity with the weak, seek ways to share what we have with others, be peaceful and serene when dealing with pain and suffering, and be filled with the Holy Spirit and joy.
15 -18 grudnia
Oczekiwanie podnosi serce. Pragnienie chce być zaspokojone. I choć nie wszystkie pragnienia mogą być zaspokojone to działając konsekwentnie i z rozmysłem te najpiękniejsze i najczystsze można spełnić przez pokonywanie zatwardziałości serca w oczekiwaniu na przyjście Mesjasza.
Zachęcam do wzięcia udziału w rekolekcjach adwentowych prowadzonych przez O. Piotra Chyłę C.SS.R. Myslą przewodnią tegorocznych rekolekcji są słowa: "Oczekujemy Twego przyjście, Panie".
Ojciec Piotr Chyła urodził się 2 sierpnia 1969 r. w Świecie, Polska. Pierwszą profesję zakonną złożył 2 lutego 1991 r. Święcenia kapłańskie przyjął 6 kwietnia 1997 r. Po święceniach kapłańskich pełnił posługę Socjusza Prefekta w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym Redemptorystów w Tuchowie, Polska (1997-1998) oraz studiował teologie dogmatyczną w Durham, Wielka Brytania (1998-2001). Ojciec Piotr był wykładowcą w WSD w Tuchowie w latach 2001-2004. Następnie posługiwał w Cicero IL w USA oraz był proboszczem w Perth Amboy NJ, USA. W 2008 r. został wybrany na Wikariusza Prowincjała Prowincji Warszawskiej Redemptorystów, tę funkcję pełnił do 2014 r. Obecnie ojciec Piotr Chyła jest dyrektorem Centrum Duchowości Redemptorystowskiej w Rzymie.
connect now post
CONNECT NOW on-line giving

We are excited to inform you that we now offer ConnectNow Giving! As a church that seeks to serve, we wanted to provide you the convenience of being able to give the way you want, whenever you want. ConnectNow Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions from your bank/credit/debit card account to our church. Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church.
Benefits for You
- No check writing or ATM stops before church
- Safe, secure, and confidential transactions
- Use your checking/savings account or credit/debit card
- Schedule recurring or one-time donations
- Change a gift or account anytime you like
- Choose offertory, special funds, pledges
- View your giving history anytime
Benefits for the Church
- Provides sustained giving that helps parish budgeting and ministry planning
- Reduces check processing fees
- Allows staff more time to focus on ministries
- Accommodates special funds
- Provides giving history for tax statements
- Reaches a wider demographic of givers
We ask that you consider using this service—especially if you currently manage your bills or banking online.
Parish Dance
Parish Fall Dance

Christ the Redeemer Parish will have their Annual Fall Dance on November 16, 2019 at Christ the King School -99 North 13th Ave., Manville.
Tickets are $50 and includes a buffet dinner, music by DJ Pawel 50/50 and a cash only bar.
Doors open at 7:00pm – dancing until 1:00am
For tickets call: Agnieszka Miga (908) 616-2456 Stanislaw Kurasiński (908) 231-6869 Parish office (908) 725-0072
Tickets available also after Mass and in Polish School.
Need more info? Please contact parish office: Phone: (908) 725-0072
St. Peter by the Sea Concert

November 24th at 2PM our Parish is hosting Saint Peter by the Sea Concert.
There’s simple no better way to wind down Christ the Redeemer’s celebration of “100 Years of Roman catholic Presence in Manville” than to spend a fall afternoon listening to great music of Father Alphonse Stephenson and the Orchestra of Saint Peter by the Sea.
Father Alphonse Stephenson, Conductor 42 piece orchestra Classical, show, Disney and pop selections Soprano, Victoria Cannzzo 14 year-old guest violinist, Huyan Nguyen
Great wholesome entertainment for the whole family. Makes a great birthday, anniversary, or other gift. Select your seats and call the parish office to purchase your tickets (908) 725-0072.
Manville High School (In newly renovated auditorium) 1100 Brooks Blvd., Manville, NJ
All Seats Reserved: $35 -$40* A limited number of tickets may be available at the door for $40.
Tickets are selling and all seats might not be available.
The chart reflects the seating as of Oct 25th.
Do not wait. Get your ticket now.
And enjoy the concert of St. Peter by the Sea Orchestra to honor 100 Years of Roman Catholic Parish Life in Manville.

Need more info? Please contact parish office: Phone: (908) 725-0072
Mega Raffle Dance/Barbecue

Christ the Redeemer Parish in Manville (Sacred Heart Church and Christ The King Church) is hosting their yearly Mega Raffle. The cost of purchasing a ticket will be $50.00. Only 1,000 tickets will be sold. The drawing will take place on October 20th at 3:00 p.m. You need not be present to win. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket please print the ORDER FORM and send a check to the parish at:
Christ The Redeemer Parish
PO Box 94
Manville, NJ 08835
On-line purchase available at: BUY NOW ON-LINE!
Based on sale of 1,000 tickets
1st Prize 10% of of Gross Proceeds.... $5,000
2nd Prize 7.5% of Gross Proceeds.... $3,750
3rd Prize 5% of Gross Proceeds... $2,500
22 Runner Ups 27.5% of Gross Proceeds.... $625 ea.
50% of total proceeds will be awarded
Christ the King School
99 N 13th Ave., Manville, NJ 08835
November 20, 2019
Need more info? Please contact parish office: Phone: (908) 725-0072
5 blog post Summer Festival
51st Summer Festival

Spending time during the fourth week of July at our Summer Festival, held on Sacred Heart Church grounds, has become a tradition for many families and friends near and far. Over fifty years ago a small group of dedicated Sacred Heart parishioners began it all and today it has grown into the best church festival in Somerset County. We have something for everyone! from games, rides, delicious traditional Polish and American food, to raffles and bands.
Please make plans to attend our exceptional Summer Festival as we celebrate 100 years of Parish Life in Manville!
Our centennial celebration is a year-long celebration with many activities scheduled to remember the past of Sacred Heart and Christ the King parishes; celebrate our present and secure our future as Christ the Redeemer Parish.
It takes lots of work and volunteers to continue make our festival a huge success. It provides a great opportunity for new parishioners to meet new people, get involved and become a more active part of our church community. We are always in need of new ideas and the people to make them happen. All of our festival proceeds go to helping with general operational expenses and capital improvements of the parish.
Tuesday-Friday, July 23-26: 6pm – 10pm
Saturday, July 27: 5pm – 10pm
98 South 2nd Ave., Manville, NJ 08835 Phone: (908) 725-0072
A great way to enjoy this event is to volunteer! It takes over 125 volunteers and it is great fun
Most Rev. James Checchio - Bishop of Metuchen
blog post mission cross
Parish Missions Crucifix

To commemorate our 100th Anniversary of a Roman Catholic Presence in Manville, a high-quality Crucifix is available as a remembrance of this centennial anniversary. Valued at more than $50, these crosses are offered to our parishioners for $30 and will be sold after all masses. The purchased crucifixes will be blessed at the closing Mission Mass (7:00 p.m., Friday, March 8 at SH).
Please consider purchasing and placing this crucifix in a prominent place in your home or giving it to someone special as a gift.
blog post F. Bennett
Parish Mission with Rev. Richard Bennet, C.Ss.R.

Rev. Richard Bennett, C.Ss.R. is the pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Philadelphia, home of the National Shrine of St. John Neumann, the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia and the first American male to be canonized. Father Bennet, a Redemptorist, will preach in English during our week-long Parish Mission March 3-8. Conducting retreats and missions for many years, he preaches the Gospel of unconditional love – in Jesus Christ there is plentiful redemption for all – a message that can move hearts and change lives. I strongly urge you to participate in our Parish Mission and to invite others. With your involvement in this Parish Mission, instead of a temporary spiritual boost we can be the foundation of a renewed relationship with the Holy Redeemer for the next 100 years of Roman Catholic Parish Life in Manville.
blog post O. Witold Radowski
Misje Parafialne wyglosi O. Witold Radowski

Sto lat życia parafialnego w Manville to bardzo długi okres czasu, lecz w porównaniu z wiecznością to mniej niż mgnienie oka. Warto zatem na chwilę przystanąć by zobaczyć czy droga życia, którą idę prowadzi do życia wiecznego. Bowiem w Chrystusie Bóg poszukuje Ciebie, gdyż jest Miłością i chce byś doświadczył zbawienia poprzez wiarę i nawrócenie z grzechów. Nie zwlekaj zatem i weź udział w Misji Parafialnej od 2-8 marca 2019. Odnów swoją Wiarę, Nadzieję i Miłość. Przyjmij Jezusa do swego serca by trwać „w” i „przy” Chrystusie wraz z całą swoją rodziną.
Misje Święte poprowadzi O. Witold Radowski, Redemptorysta. Na kapłana został wyświęcony 22.05 1999 r. przez abpa Tadeusza Gocłowskiego w Tuchowie. Po święceniach został skierowany do pracy duszpasterskiej w Krakowie jako katecheta, a następnie pracował w duszpasterstwie powołań. W 2002 r. ukończył „Tirotinium Pastoralne” przygotowujące redemptorystów do pracy misyjnej i rekolekcyjnej. Ponadto był wychowawcą w nowicjacie w Lubaszowej, przełożonym w domach zakonnych w Elblągu, Warszawie, a obecnie w Tuchowie. Mimo licznych obowiązków nieustannie pracuje na polu rekolekcyjnym i misyjnym. Przeprowadził wiele rekolekcji i misji nie tylko w Polsce, ale również dla Polaków żyjących poza granicami Polski.
blog post Parish Mission
100th Anniversary Dinner Reception

On March 10th we will celebrate 100 years of the Catholic presence in Manville with a special Liturgy at 11AM followed by a reception at Christ the King School. Our Main celebrant and homilist will be Rev. James Checchio, Ordinary Bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen. Among the invited guests are former Pastors and Associate Pastors of Sacred Heart and Christ the King Parishes, Redemptorists, Community Leaders and Government Officials.
The ticket prices for the reception are $15 for adults, $5 for children 10-16 and children under 10 are free. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses and at the Parish Office.
blog post Parish Mission
Parish Mission

Please accept this invitation to participate in our Parish Mission on March 2-8, 2019 on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Roman Catholic Parish Life in Manville. The Parish Mission’s aim is to unify us as Christ the Redeemer Parish, make us stronger as a faith community, and prepare us for the future.
The Parish Mission is an extraordinary preaching event. God’s Word is proclaimed through the Bible and Catholic doctrine. It is also proclaimed through the life, learning, and personal experience of the preacher. It is an opportunity for us all to renew our Catholic faith. The mission services consist of a proclamation of the Word of God, preaching and reflection, singing and praying together. It will be an opportunity to experience in a special way the wonderful and incredible presence and love of God.
If you have abandoned the faith of your youth, the mission is for you. If you have been faithful in your witness of your Catholic faith, the mission is for you. If you judge yourself to be in need of spiritual growth, the mission is for you. The mission is for everyone, but especially for you and your family.
The Redemptorist missionaries: Rev. Richard Bennet CSsR and Rev. Witold Radowski CSsR invite you into a deeper relationship with the Lord. You will be amazed to discover how putting aside an hour each evening will create a lifetime of enrichment for your faith. Please join me in praying for the success of our parish mission and plan now to share with me this very special, grace-filled time.
blog post 100 Anniversary
100th Anniversary of Roman Catholic Parish Life in Manville

The centennial celebration of Roman Catholic Parish Life in Manville is about envisioning what we want our parish to look like in 2019 and beyond, and to begin moving to that place. The events and activities that have already taken place, and those that are upcoming, aim to unify us as a parish, make us stronger as a faith community, and prepare us for the future. In a way, this process is about discerning who God wants us to be as a parish.
The goals for our 100th anniversary celebration are to:
Renew our faith
- Increase the faith and spiritual growth of our parish
- Help us encounter and develop a personal relationship with Jesus
- Deepen our participation in Sunday Eucharist and sacramental life of the Church
Reconnect with our community
- Reinvigorate members of the parish
- Provide opportunities to meet, socialize, and renew relationships
- Intentionally outreach to, and support, our many young families
Revive our commitment
- Make Disciples
- Emphasize ongoing adult faith formation as an integral part of parish life
- Understand our role in the Body of Christ by reaching out and helping others as a way of sharing our time, treasure and talent
We are grateful to all who have been working on these endeavors. If you have any questions or would like to join our volunteers, please contact the parish office at 908-725-0072 or
It is our prayer that you will be able to join us at as many of the different events possible. Please know that you are always WELCOME at Christ the Redeemer Parish, Manville NJ!!!
blog post Advent EN
Fr. Mike Houston, Advent-Retreat preacher

December 1-5
If you didn’t know better, you would think that Redemptorist Father Mike Houston was a Manville boy. He was raised in the working-class town of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After high school, he had been a blue-collar worker; had a girlfriend, played a guitar, and drove a Harley. Does this sound like the start of a priestly vocation to you? Hardly!
At the urging of his hometown pastor, Fr. Mike began studies for the priesthood. His undergraduate studies were done at Washington Theological Union, and his seminary training was mostly at St. John’s University in Queens. After ordination he served 13 years in the Caribbean working with the poor. For 5 of those years, Fr. Mike was the pastor of an all-black congregation, a job he loved.
Today, Fr. Mike is an associate with Redemptorist Father Jim Szobonya, a Manville native, at St. Gerard Catholic Church in Lima, Ohio. Please welcome Fr. Mike Houston as he enlivens our faith at the evening retreat sessions, Sunday through Wednesday. Be a part of Christ the redeemer Advent retreats a time for renewal and preparation for Christmas. We are looking to seeing You!
blog post Advent PL
Rekolekcje Adventowe z O. Arkadiusz Buszka

Każdy czegoś szuka. Jedni szukają szczęścia, inni wciąż gonią za miłością, a jeszcze innym całe życia upływa na szukaniu „dziury w całym”. A Ty czego szukasz? Może wydaje Ci się, jako przykładnemu chrześcijaninowi, że szukasz Boga? Paradoks jednak polega na tym, że to nie Ty szukasz Boga, ale Bóg wciąż szuka Ciebie – On od początku stworzenia szuka człowieka, którym zafascynował się od pierwszej chwili, odkąd tchnął w jego nozdrza tchnienie życia. Czy zechcesz dać Mu się odnaleźć?
Jak to zrobić? Udział w rekolekcjach adwentowych to pierwszy ku temu krok. „W oczekiwaniu Pana…” – to temat naszych rekolekcyjnych zamyśleń. Ale kto na kogo czeka? Kto tak naprawdę przeżywa swój Adwent?
O. Arkadiusz Buszka - urodził się w 1984 roku w Toruniu. W roku 2008 po ukończeniu studiów na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika wstąpił do Zgromadzenia Najświętszego Odkupiciela, a w 2010 roku złożył śluby zakonne. Święcenia kapłańskie przyjął 28 maja 2016 r. w Tuchowie. Następnie skierowany został do pracy duszpasterskiej w parafii św. Klemensa Hofbauera w Warszawie. Obecnie jest słuchaczem dwuletniego studium pastoralnego redemptorystów w Lublinie, gdzie przygotowuje się do pracy misjonarza – rekolekcjonisty.
Rekolekcje odbeda sie w dniach 16 - 19 grudnia.
blog post Mega Raffle
Mega Raffle

Christ The Redeemer Mega Raffle 2018 WINNERS!
1st -- $2,740.00 -- Anthony Scarpantonio
2nd -- $2,055.00 -- Margaret Gerenza
3rd -- $1,370.00 -- Geraldine & Walter Klimowich
22 Runner Up Prize Winners - $342.50
Lee Ravaioli, Ida Corradino, Wojciech Sadej, Mary Ann Mahilo, Elizabeth Niedala, Bogdan Nowak, Henry & Marta Klik, Dolores Tomaszfski, Tomasz Jaje, Richard Norton, Gloria Saverin, Leokadia Macur, Kathleen Tartaglione, Regina Grodzki, Angie & Walt Wilczek, Janina Miazga, Anna & Bogdan Chlipalski, Bonnie Nemes, Nialetta Makowski, Jan Poplawski, Joe Soska, Jan Guszkiwicz
5 blog post Summer Festival
Father Bogie 25th anniversary of his ordination

Christ the Redeemer Parish was honored to join in celebrating with Father Bogie on the 25th anniversary of his ordination. Rev. Boguslaw Augustyn was ordained on May 30, 1993 in the Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady in Tuchow, Poland. He currently serves as an Army Reserve Chaplain with the rank of Lt. Col. He earned a Master’s of Divinity degree in theology from Major Redemptorist Seminary, Tuchow, Poland, his master’s degree in Church history from the Pontifical Academy of Theology, Krakow, Poland, and his master’s degree in sociology from the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. He also received his doctorate in Sociology from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
Father Bogie reports to the Pentagon where he “Takes the temperature every day.” in his own words reporting to his superiors on the moral of the troops. He writes policies for chaplains in the Army and helps to prepare them for their ministry with the troops. On weekends, he travels to two military bases in the D. C. area serving at Masses.
Father Bogie served as pastor of CTR Parish from June, 1999 to May, 2009. He is affectionally described as extremely focused and determined. He is also described as someone who puts all his energy into any project underway. When the Bishop approached him concerning the possible combining of CTK and SH parishes, he worked diligently on renovations to CTK School. Father Bogie found parishioners he could trust and who he knew would work with him towards the betterment of our parish.
As part of Father Bogie’s 25th anniversary celebration, he was the main officiant at the 10:00 and 11:30 Masses at the Sacred Heart worship site. At the 10:00 service, participants included the Knights of Columbus, seven altar servers, Deacons Bill and Tom, Father Stan, the choir, a videographer, ushers, and a packed church of parishioners. Father Stan made opening remarks honoring Father Bogie for his commitment, love, and sacrifices for the love of God. Father Bogie thanked everyone in attendance and commented on how hard it was to believe it had been ten years since his assignment in Manville. Olivia Jaime and Kyla Kinahan, both eighth grade students participated in the Mass by doing the first reading and intercessions, respectively. Deacon Bill presented a homily that focused on how we respond to God’s calling. He referred to how Father Bogie received the call and spent many years in training to become a Redemptorist priest. Deacon Bill conducted a short demonstration by pouring water onto the edge of a glass and making it “sing” by moving his fingers around the rim. He said, “Sometimes God calls us with a gentle song like the water in the bowl.” He concluded by reminding us that life is full of choices, and we decide whether we share the riches we have or walk away from Jesus like the young man did in the gospel.
After Mass, Dolores Finlan and Charlotte Snow presented Father Bogie with a bouquet of flowers and offered him God’s blessing in the many languages of the members of our parish. Father Bogie thanked everyone and prayed a special blessing for them.
In the afternoon, a reception was held in Father Bogie’s honor at the Christ the King School cafeteria. All CTR parishioners were invited to attend and several hundred enjoyed a delicious meal, cake. They spent the afternoon with Father Bogie sharing memories, taking pictures, and enjoying each other as a parish community.